FarmBioNet aims to identify biodiversity-friendly farming practices and help farmers to provide habitats that will offer food, safety and shelter for biodiversity on their farms. It will establish Farming and Biodiversity National Networks, consisting of farmers, foresters, researchers, NGOs, advisors, and other relevant Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) actors.
Completion of the project „Added Value Mountain Farming“
On Monday, 11 November 2014, the final event of the innovation project ‘Added value mountain farming’ took place at the Nachhaltigkeitsschmiede in Steinbach an der …
New Executive Board at STUDIA
Two, three and four – these numbers describe the change in this year’s Board election at the STUDIA General Assembly 2024. Two new Board members …
STUDIA present at scientific conferences
In 2024, the STUDIA team once again presented the results of its research projects at scientific conferences. Kathi Klinglmayr reported on the views of farm …
„Energiewende konkret“ at the KEM main event
At the annual main event of the Climate and Energy Model Regions (KEM) in Kötschach-Mauthen, the EWK team (Energiewende konkret) presented the developed „Energy Transition …
Animal husbandry in the field of tension between climate protection and farm value creation
Publication with land use scenarios for the Steyr-Kirchdorf region in the Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies. Stefan Kirchweger publishes a joint paper …
A new wind in STUDIA’s sails
February marked the beginning of a new chapter for STUDIA. After 39 years and at the age of 65, Wolfgang Baaske retired as Scientific Director.He …
Archive: News & Articles
Invitation to the workshop „Land management and nature conservation on alpine pastures and mountain meadows“
Thursday 08.07.2021 from 14:00 to 16:00 at SPES Schlierbach Organisers: STUDIA Schlierbach and Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics, BOKU Vienna for the project LANA: …
Animal husbandry in the field of tension between climate and value creation
Stefan Kirchweger presented a joint paper with Wolfgang Baaske and colleagues from BOKU on the topic of „Animal husbandry in the field of tension between …
Economic and ecological effects of a change in field size in agriculture
Together with colleagues from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences inVienna, Lund University, the Bavarian State Institute of Agriculture and the University of …
Celebration of 50 years STUDIA
STUDIA celebrates its 50th anniversary on 4 October 2019. In 1969 Johann Millendorfer founded the study group for international analyses. Since then, many people have …